Mmpi test online italiano
Mmpi test online italiano

Paranoia (Pa) – The Paranoia scale primarily measures interpersonal sensitivity, moral self-righteousness and suspiciousness.It measures in a general sense how rigidly a person conforms to very stereotypical masculine or feminine roles. Masculinity/Femininity (Mf) – The Masculinity/Femininity scale measures interests in vocations and hobbies, aesthetic preferences, activity-passivity and personal sensitivity.The items on this scale tap into complaints about family and authority figures in general, self alienation, social alienation and boredom. Psychopathic Deviate (Pd) – The Psychopathic Deviate scale measures general social maladjustment and the absence of strongly pleasant experiences.Hysteria (Hy) – The Hysteria scale primarily measures five components - poor physical health, shyness, cynicism, headaches and neuroticism.Depression (D) – The Depression scale measures clinical depression, which is characterized by poor morale, lack of hope in the future, and a general dissatisfaction with one’s life.There are two primary factors that this subscale measures - poor physical health and gastrointestinal difficulties. These complaints tend to focus on the abdomen and back, and they persist in the face of negative medical tests. Hypochondriasis (Hs) – The Hypochondriasis scale tapes a wide variety of vague and nonspecific complaints about bodily functioning.The older MMPI-2 is made up 10 clinical subscales, which are a result of answering certain questions on the test in a specific manner: The MMPI-2 is designed with 10 clinical scales which assess 10 major categories of abnormal human behavior, and four validity scales, which assess the person’s general test-taking attitude and whether they answered the items on the test in a truthful and accurate manner. After the computer scores the test results, the psychologist writes up a report interpreting the test results in the context of the person’s history and current psychological concerns.

#Mmpi test online italiano professional#

While it’s commonly administered by computer nowadays (and requires no direct professional involvement during its administration), psychological testing is nearly always preceded by a clinical interview by the psychologist who is doing the testing.

mmpi test online italiano

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is considered a protected psychological instrument, meaning it can only be given and interpreted by a psychologist trained to do so (you cannot find the test online). (Another version of the test - the MMPI-A - is designed exclusively for teenagers.) While the MMPI-2-RF is a newer measure and takes about half the time to complete (usually about 40 to 50 minutes), the MMPI-2 is still the more widely used test because of its existing large research base and familiarity among psychologists. The MMPI is currently commonly administered in one of two forms - the MMPI-2, which has 567 true/false questions, and the newer MMPI-2-RF, published in 2008 and containing only 338 true/false items.

mmpi test online italiano

Although it was not originally designed to be administered to non-clinical populations, it has found It is primarily intended to test people who are suspected of having mental health or other clinical issues. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a psychological test that assesses personality traits and psychopathology.

Mmpi test online italiano